10 January 2012

If You or I were lowered through the roof

This image is an African depiction of Mark 2:1-12 where a paralytic is lowered through a roof by his four friends. I just love this image, in large part because it forces me out of my "Jesus is a white man" worldview.
       What is more fascinating to me is the scene of the man being lowered through the roof. We sometimes make light of this scene, as if it is a fantasy that we wish could happen but won't happen.
       Mark tells us it DID happen, and that Jesus in challenging the religious leaders of the day illustrated his coming Kingdom with this great act of mercy.
       Here is a few reflections I had this morning while re-reading the Mark 2 passage:
*  First, the paralytic and his four friends had faith (verse 5). I have wondered if the paralytic could have enlisted my help to lower through the roof. Would I have that much faith?
*  Second, when the paralytic stood up and took his bed it says, "all were amazed and praised God." (verse 12) Does "all" mean the scholars and religious people also? They had just been questioning who Jesus is and what he was doing. Now they praised God for this miracle?
*  Third, I wonder what it would be like to be lowered through a roof so that I could be in Jesus' presence and he could heal my deformities - physical, spiritual, emotional.
       My Jesus (the one I think of most of the time) is far too "safe" and secure and tame. He does not challenge the status quo, does not call me to dreams and vision far beyond my imagination.
       But that is not the Jesus of Mark chapter 2 - the Jesus who is accessible to the cripple, the Jesus who challenges the religious establishment, the Jesus who is gathering his talmidim (disciples) to change the world, the Jesus who is compassionate and direct, who has mercy and confronts. This is the Jesus I met in Mark chapter 2 this week.

09 January 2012

Frequent Flyers Should Learn: The First Shall Be Last!

Message to all of us Frequent Flyers who have Gold, Platinum, and other exotic status on an airline: Remember that THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST, as Jesus said a long time before airplanes!
       I travel a lot these days, and it is rare that I am on a flight where the people in First Class are actually nice to the airline crew! I mean, common on people! You have great seats, free booze, a meal that's more than a sampling of peanuts!
       One of the most stressful moments of a flight is after the plane lands and has pulled up to the gate. Everyone jumps to their feet and has this painful WAIT to get off the plane. Talk about jittery people!
       I have a suggestion for all of us exotic frequent flyers: Let everyone else get off the plane before we do! Let's just sit in our Business Class seat and invite the people sitting in "cattle class" to deplane before us. Now THAT would be a miracle!

04 January 2012

Solitude: As Difficult as it is

Months ago when I was in the western Sahara Desert I experienced what I thought was "solitude." I suppose it was a form of solitude, but it had more to do with my physical surroundings and less to do with my inner life.
       As I enter this new year and begin to study Jesus anew I realize a startling fact once again: I stink at being still. I am allergic to solitude.
       I have been a driven activist for the better part of 30 years. Many times I get a pat on the back or an "atta boy" for my drivenness. That is Western Culture speaking to me. And yet I know that this pace of life and work actually pushes me away from God rather than toward Him.
       So this morning I am taking a couple of hours quietly with God. I'm staying in a beautiful home with wonderful people in Indianapolis. I have a 12-hour work day ahead of me, but it does not start until 9am so I am taking time to be apart.
       I am reminded again of Henri Nouwen's comment on solitude, which is profound:
“We enter into solitude first of all to meet our Lord and to be with Him and Him alone. Only in the context of grace can we face our sin; only in the place of healing do we dare to show our wounds; only with a single-minded attention to Christ can we give up our clinging fears and face our own true nature. Solitude is a place where Christ remodels us in his own image and frees us from the victimizing compulsions of the world.” ― Henri J.M. NouwenThe Way of the Heart: Desert Spirituality and Contemporary Ministry

02 January 2012

New Year 2012: Jesus

Having launched the Isaac Ishmael Initiative last year, I have found the profound need for a broader, deeper, and richer understanding of Jesus - the Christ. For me 2012 will be devoted to much more reflection, prayer, and reading on Jesus.
       I am starting with N.T. Wright's new book, Simply Jesus, which I realize is anything but "simple." I am reading Wright first for what is hopefully a straightforward reason - he studies both Jesus in the Gospel accounts as well as the Christ of the Pauline epistles. And he seeks to be integrative.
       In this first week of the year I am developing a plan for this study. Three books of the Bible will be my primary in my study - Isaiah, the gospel of Mark, and Paul's letter to the Ephesians. I have selected these books for specific reasons which I will explain in other blog posts.
       There are thousands of books written about Jesus, from many perspectives and angles. I hope to read 12 of them only - one per month. I have not selected the 12 yet; I am waiting until I finish Wright's book to decide on the rest (although I have a pretty good idea of most of the ones I will read).
       This study is enormously important to me because of my interest in relating to Jews and Muslims; for both groups Jesus is THE stumbling block and so the temptation is to avoid him. But we cannot and must not relegate Jesus to anything less than he is - Lord, Messiah, King of kings, having inaugurated His Kingdom.
       And so my quest begins!

25 December 2011

Welcome to Your World

Dear Baby Jesus (said with the accent from Talladega Nights),
       Welcome to your mess ... I mean world. It is beautiful, and horrible. It is hopeless and full of hope.
       On this Christmas please hear my confession and my hope:
* I confess that our material and consumer selves are a human obsession which draws us away from what is most important in life;
* I confess that we have de-mystified your incarnation, often reduced it to platitudes;
* I confess that many "Santas" compete for my time, attention, and devotion in our non-second 21st century.
* And yet I hope ... I hope deeply and am confident in you, Jesus. I hope for and see tiny signs of your Shalom in your world;
* I hope that as you enter our mess in 2012 you will do the miraculous - that Jew and Muslim and Christian will worship the One True God, who is you.
* I hope that we your people will be faith - full. That is, focused and determined in the right directions, that your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So welcome to the world, dear baby Jesus.

13 December 2011

A Great Video

This is the promo video for the Cru Christmas Conference in Denver. Really well done.

12 December 2011

"Does God cause the Broncos to win because of Tebow?"

Oy vey! Christian America is just goofy. Last night I am sitting in a TGIFridays and a guy at the table next to me comments, "The Denver Broncos are winning because of Tebow's faith in Jesus." God is calling the shots in the NFL these days I guess. I wonder if He has money riding on the game also.
       It raises all sorts of questions for me that God might be on Tim Tebow's side on the football field:
* If I pray that the Denver Broncos win and my Christian friend Troy prays for the Bears to win (since Troy is from Chicago), who does God listen to?
* If the Broncos lose a game later this season, is it because Tim Tebow did not pray enough or read his Bible that week?
* If I say that God is not involved in determining the outcome of sports, then what else is He not involved in? Is this the slippery slope to Deism?
       We all love formulas that we can figure out and determine what God will do. The "Tebow Formula" is one of those - Tim loves God so God causes his team to win. Ugh!
       I respect Tebow - largely because of his humility and not calling attention to himself. He honors his coaches and teammates. He articulates that football is just a game and it is not the essence of life.
       And I appreciate that Tebow knows that God is not primarily about the Broncos winning or losing a game! How refreshing.

11 December 2011

Returning to The Gospel of the Kingdom

I get distracted easily. I love to multi-task and sometimes that gives me blurry vision. Yet by God's grace I often refocus and ask what is the gospel of the Kingdom to which I am called? THAT is the question.
       Thanks to theologian George Eldon Ladd the phrase "gospel of the Kingdom" is a lot more understandable to day than it was a generation ago. The gospel of the Kingdom is the message of Good News that Jesus has inaugurated the Kingdom of God on earth.
       This coming Thursday we will launch the Isaac-Ishmael Initiative website and Facebook page, thus officially going public with this movement to promote Shalom in Jesus toward Jews and Muslims.
       The gospel of the Kingdom is at the very heart of the Initiative. It is about the People of God as the agents of announcing the gospel of the Kingdom, and Jesus Christ as its King.
       George Eldon Ladd put it this way toward the end of his book, The Gospel of the Kingdom:
       This is the mystery of the Kingdom: Before the day of harvest, before the end of the age, God has entered into history in the person of Christ to work among men, to bring to them the life and blessings of His Kingdom. It comes humbly, unobtrusively.
       It comes to men as a Galilean carpenter went throughout the cities of Palestine preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, delivering men from their bondage to the Devil.
       It comes to men as his disciples went throughout Galilean villages with the same message. It comes to men today as disciples of Jesus still take, the Gospel of the Kingdom into all the world.
       It comes quietly, humbly, without fire from heaven, without a blaze of glory, without a rending of the mountains or a cleaving of the skies.
       It comes like seed sown in the earth. It can be rejected by hard hearts, it can be choked out, its life may sometimes seem to wither and die. But it is the Kingdom of God. It brings the miracle of the divine life among men. It introduces them into the blessings of the divine rule. It is to them the supernatural work of God's grace.

06 December 2011

Extravagant Generosity "Run Amok"

In the New Testament book of Acts there is a verse we tend to "wink at," sort of saying, "Well that's a great example, but we're not supposed to do that today!"
     The verse says: "And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met." (Acts 2:44-45, The Message)
       I have pastored in a number of contexts - from Geneva to Amsterdam to Denver - and my churches have prided ourselves on giving a tithe (10%) of all contributions to mission. When we met that goal we felt like we had "arrived" as a church.
     Acts 2:44-45 challenges this attitude. Personally I would LOVE to be part of a Christian community which turns this formula on its head - that the community would give away 90% of all the gifts provided by the people. Every month we would pray and dream about how God would have use give, give, give His resources provided through the community.
     My hunch is that we would then be closer to an Acts 2:45 community.

02 December 2011

Dragging my bones to Shabbat

It is Friday and I slept 5 hours last night, having arrived back in Denver late from Indianapolis due to a delayed flight. Today I am dragging my bones around the office, eagerly awaiting the beginning of shabbat.
       A group of us (25 or so) meet once per month on Friday evening to celebration the sabbath with a meal and a short liturgy. Tonight is the night, and I cannot wait for it!
       For one thing it is just casual and relaxed and we are all there to remind each other that there is a "time to work and a time to rest." And tonight begins the weekly rest.
       Another reason I enjoy it so much is because the people who gather are REAL, trying to figure out the rhythms of life with God and in community and they are not perfect at it either. I feel in good company with them.
       For my birthday in October Susy made me an incredible piece of pottery (see photo). It is a ceramic scroll she hand-crafted and then fired in the Raku style (thus it looks cracked).Then she made the Hebrew letters to spell Shalom. I have the image on my desk in the office and also on my iPhone. A gentle reminder of God's call to practice sabbath and shalom on a regular basis. Can't wait.

27 November 2011

Black Friday Must Go

The Associated Press wrote this about Black Friday in America: "Pepper-sprayed customers, smash-and-grab looters and bloody scenes in the shopping aisles. How did Black Friday devolve into this?"
       What has it devolved into? For one thing it is a competition to be the first in line to buy an item you probably don't need. It is the ultimate statement of American individualism.
       Second, it is about greed. In the name of gift-giving, Black Friday is all about consumption and having more stuff. In the simple world of my friend Lisa on her blog, it is GROSS.
        Third, it is about loss of something transcendent. That is to say, for many people the sales of Black Friday are an idol, a sort of god. My hunch is that Christians are just about as infected as non-Christians. I guess a $288 TV for the first 25 customers in Walmart is just too tempting.
       Many of us "religious" people become quite upset at specific social ills - homosexuality, high taxes, health care reform - to name a few. We then lose our voices on Black Friday and become part of the insanity. I just don't get that.

26 November 2011

Susy's Pottery

Susy is doing her first pottery show on the weekend of December 9-11 here in Denver. In preparation for that she has a new website at:
     You can check out her work there. I have also posted a few of her newer pieces below. Some amazing items!
     If you live in or around Denver please stop by our house on Friday evening, December 9 or Saturday morning, December 10 for the show.

24 November 2011

The People of God - Grateful

I love Thanksgiving each year, because it challenges me to reflect on what I am grateful for at the moment.
       This year I am grateful for the "regular" and very good things - my wife, Susy, my kids, Carly and Steven, my extended family, etc.
       But here is a new wrinkle in where my heart goes on this Thanksgiving Day. I marvel at and am thankful for this very unique group called The People of God. I am thankful for what is supposed to characterize them in every culture:
1. Diversity rather than homogeneity: I am grateful to God that He intentionally calls us into social, economic, political diversity and asks us to follow Jesus and to serve others as the People of God. It is humbling and enriching;
2. Corporate Faith: I am thankful that God does not ask me to follow Jesus individually and individualistically. He calls His people to have faith together (which often cuts against a culture where individual rights are central);
3. Generosity: Thanksgiving is a reminder of God's abundance in our lives. Many of us have feasts and remember how much we have been given and how good life is in many ways. For me the issue is not one of abundance, but rather what we do with that abundance. I call it the generosity quotient. The People of God are marked by their astounding generosity in response to God's astounding provision for us.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

18 November 2011

Tebow: Faith meets sport meets faith

Tim Tebow is the talk of the town in Denver these days. In case you have been visiting Mars or some other place, Tebow is the starting quarterback of the Denver Broncos of the NFL.
       Last night Tebow led his team to a come-from-behind win over the New York Jets. It was an amazing win. A New York newspaper this morning had the headline, VicTIMized! Yes indeed.
       And did I mention that Tebow is a committed Christian, and is not ashamed to speak about his faith. And he is demonstrative about honoring God as he competes (kneeling down to pray after scoring a touchdown, for example).
       I'm a Tim Tebow fan - for one main reason: his humility. He has been scrutinized and mocked for his faith, and yet Tebow has not reacted. He "turned the other cheek," which seems distinctly Jesus-like!
       I wonder what would happen if an athlete who is a Muslim or a Jew was outspoken about their faith? Would they be scrutinized as Tebow has? And if they had been mocked for their faith, what would be the outrage be in our culture?
       Like I said, I am a Tim Tebow fan ... not because he is a great football player, but rather because he is attempting for his FAITH to meet his SPORT and in turn for his SPORT to meet his FAITH again.