I love Apple products and I use them seamlessly. I have a laptop and recently got an iphone. I HAVE ARRIVED in the 21st century, or so I am told by Apple's outstanding marketing.
The other day I watched the frail-looking Steve Jobs temporarily come back from his medical leave to do his thing in introducing the ipad2. If this was a cult it would have been the perfect script. As much as I love Apple products I have growing questions about what its marketing is doing to our culture.
I know that what I am saying is sacrilege to many faithful Apple users. This is a "cult-like culture" at its finest, as Jim Collins described in his book Built to Last.
I was struck by a number of things in the Steve Jobs speech:
- Steve Jobs HAD to do it, even though he is clearly not well physically. In other words, he is not replaceable. That does not bode well for Apple;
- Much of the talk was about ACQUIRING ... 100 million books downloaded in a year, 100 million iphone users, 200 million Apple accounts with credit card numbers and 1-click purchasing. Now I realize this is just good capitalism, and I guess that is part of my struggle. Is life all about acquiring? He with the most toys wins???
- Jobs and Apple have been incredibly successful in demonizing the PC world. There are ads, jokes, digs, and flat-out insults toward anything non-Apple. Jobs quoting an Samsung executive about that companies failure in the Tablet market was way smug. Apple has figured out that creating a cult-like culture around their products means you make the competitors look like nerds and idiots;
- Who are those people who sit in the audience at these Steve Jobs events? Clearly they are the most loyal followers.
These are just a few of my questions and concerns. And these are growing.
I have to go now. I've been typing on my MacBook and my iphone is ringing, and I have to look for my ipod before I go to the office. But I have not bought a iPad.