07 June 2011

Amsterdam Trip - Wrap Up

It's the end of our week in Amsterdam and we head home today. I am tired yet fulfilled in the work/ministry we did this week. Serve the City is a major undertaking and the coordinators do an incredible job juggling the many details of the projects.
       Here's a few personal reflections on the week:
1) Serving others is both incredibly simple and full of complexity at the same time. It does not take that much to push a wheelchair with an elderly person, but their needs and hurts are so far beyond that moment of bringing them to the park;
2) We could have done Serve the City projects in Amsterdam for weeks on end and there would still be many, many more needs. The goal is not to meet everyone's needs, but rather to show love through serving and thus point people to God in some way.
3) There are better mission project leaders than me! :o)  I have not led a mission team to Europe in many, many years. My team was flexible and gracious with me, which was a good thing because I needed grace!
4) Susy's and my worlds of Denver and Europe "met" for the first time this week, which was a lot of fun for us. It was like linking to important chapters of our lives together at last.
       I'm left with one more thing to ponder - I do not know what God will do with the work our team did this week. We were in many situations and interacted with a lot of people. We stay in the heart of Amsterdam and met servers in pubs to people on the street to someone asking for directions. We painted the apartment of a emotionally challenged guy and another apartment of a woman who is addicted to drugs. 
       Hopefully we left God's mark wherever we went, and I trust that He will use it for His purposes.

1 comment:

  1. Brian:
    Thanks for the great posts on your trip...
