15 February 2012

I Cringe at Endorsements

When we launched the Isaac Ishmael website at the beginning of the year someone asked if there would be an "endorsements" page. I cringed and mumbled something like, "over my dead body."
       I have been in turmoil internally about getting endorsements for a project or a cause or whatever. It feels self-serving, like I have a sign on my back that says, "Look how great this is!"
       Then I traveled to North Africa and the Middle East recently and people wanted to know about this odd thing called The Isaac Ishmael Initiative. And they wanted to know who is endorsing this. NO, don't ask that question!!!
       So I got thinking about it and people want to figure out the legitimacy of organizations and movements and people. In the ever-volatile discussion around Christians, Muslims, and Jews there is added cause for concern and skepticism. So I have come around to be OK with having endorsements for this initiative.
       Initially I thought I needed some "big name" people to endorse Isaac Ishmael. Maybe I could call Billy Graham and see if he could throw a sentence my way! But then I got thinking about that and realized we want no name people in a sense, people who are regular folks from diverse backgrounds and who have a Kingdom vision!
       Diversity is the key - a Muslim cleric, a Protestant mission leader, a Catholic, a person who ministers to a Jewish community, a business person. French and Lebanese and North Africa and America and Dutch! Wow, it's beginning to feel like the Kingdom of God invading our lives! YES!
P.S. - There will be an endorsements page on the Isaac Ishmael website soon. Check back regularly.


  1. Brian... the greatest endorsement is of course, the approval and love of the Father God who is delighted in you and your ministry. Now if you could only get that in writing...

  2. You have the LORD's endorsement in writing, see Matthew 5: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

    Love and blessings,
