13 August 2012

Halls of "Fame"

We strolled the halls of Silverado care facility with Nate this week. I took my time looking at the displays outside each person's room.
     Echoes of lives of purpose and vision and service.
     Nate waited patiently for me as I looked closely at photos, medals, certificates, pictures of family. Memories of days filled with joy and hope.
     It is twilight for the people represented in those displays. The light is dimming, they communicate less and in different ways, they have gone to "another country" for the time being. But that is only a sub-plot to the main story of their lives.
     This week I felt the importance and beauty of those lives as we strolled the halls with our friend Nate.
     We got to Nate's room and there was the display of his life. I love the 8x10 framed photo from his retirement from the Air Force. And the signed photo NASA astronauts who he helped succeed in their mission. Wow, was I proud to be standing next to Nate at that moment!
     Over the past years I have had the privilege of taking a lot of walks with Nate - once when we visited his family in Princeton, many times walking his neighborhood in Colorado, walking our dogs around the lake in Evergreen, and now the stroll through the "halls of fame" at Silverado.
     I am humbled to walk with greatness.

11 August 2012

Cultural Bubbles and Mission

I was preaching last week and pointed out that Western culture is obsessed with two things:
1. Personal safety and security
2. Living in homogenous cultural bubbles
The problem with this is that mission is impossible while having these two obsessions.
     If we want to be with people who are the same skin color, the same socio-economic status, with the same faith practices, the same political persuasions we will only perpetuate that sub-culture. "Like attracts like." This creates comfort - another thing that Westerners crave.
     The Kingdom of God that Jesus preached seems to me to be incredibly UNcomfortable in many ways - we welcome the stranger, we build relationships with people very different than ourselves, the most powerful will end up least powerful, if we really want to be safe and secure we will lay down our lives for another person.
     Every day I wake up with a dizzying "need" to be safe, secure, and to be with people like myself. Every person does this. The difference for the Christian is that Jesus does not call us to such safety, security, and "like attracts like" living. He calls us to Kingdom living with all its wonderful diversity.

10 August 2012

Overheard the Other Day

Sitting at lunch the other day at a home for people with dementia, I overheard  a couple who were having their meal together. I figured out that the couple had been married many years, that he is living in the home and she comes to visit him every day.
     Husband to wife: I want to make love to you right here, on the table!;
     Wife to husband: Yesterday you wanted to divorce me.
     If you are wondering if you can find humor in this, PLEASE DO!
     What I find beautiful about it is that most of us who are married and do not have dementia have days when we want to have a similar dialogue with our spouse. Perhaps it has taken this couple their entire married life to be so forthright and vulnerable with each other.
     "Each time of life has its own kind of love." ~ Leo Tolstoy

09 August 2012

Entering "Another Country"

I am re-reading portions of Mary Pipher's outstanding book, Another Country: Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Our Elders. It just so happens that we are also visiting our friend Nate in southern California at the moment. He has Alzheimer's and is in a care facility. We visited him for lunch yesterday for the first time.
     The combination of these two and the fact that I will turn 50 in two months has given me pause to consider aging.
     When I am around people who are toward the end of their lives (the "old-old" as Pipher calls them) I am deeply humbled by their will to live and the ability to live with discomfort, pain, and suffering.
     AND, to live in the moment (all we have suddenly) which creates something of a "holiness," a "sacred ground." Put another way:
"You have set the powers of the four quarters of the earth to cross each other. You have made me cross the good road and the road of difficulties, and where they cross, the place is holy." ~ Black Elk

08 August 2012

Bipartisanship ... at Last!

Most of the Colorado delegation to Congress has signed a bipartisan letter to the leaders of their political parties urging a deficit reduction package to be approved. Click HERE to read the letter. It is rare in these days to find Democrats and Republicans to agree on very much. Well done.

29 July 2012

Moltmann .. on The Crucified God

“God allows himself to be humiliated and crucified in the Son, in order to free the oppressors and the oppressed from oppression and to open up to them the situation of free, sympathetic humanity."

27 July 2012

Aurora ... There Are No Words

I was speaking with someone on the phone the other day and I stumbled over my words as I tried to same something, ANYTHING that made sense of the shootings in Aurora. He responded by saying he did not know what to say. Neither do I.
       And yet the Bible (of all books) has something to say to the situation. One of the 66 books of the Bible is called Lamentations, as in "to lament." The Book of Lamentations has 110 verses; most of them are a stark reminder of the human condition.
       Jeremiah - that weeping prophet - recounts how God has mysteriously allowed His people to suffer so greatly. How the People of God have sinned, have been victims of circumstances, have been in bondage to invading armies. The book is just brutal in its sad realities.
       Kind of like Aurora ... and Columbine ... and Virginia Tech ... and Fort Hood.
       And then Jeremiah, in the midst of his wailing, is inspired to write these absolutely mind-blowing, heart-throbbing words:

    Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
    to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.
It is good for a man to bear the yoke
    while he is young.

Let him sit alone in silence,
    for the Lord has laid it on him.
Let him bury his face in the dust
    there may yet be hope.
Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him,
    and let him be filled with disgrace. (Lamentations 3:22-30)
       And then Jeremiah makes a statement that I believe is at the very heart of the gospel:
For men are not cast off by the Lord forever.
Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, 
so great is his unfailing love. (Lamentations 3:31-32)

       Where there are no words (such as in Aurora), there is THE WORD that is so well captured in Lamentations.

“How is faith to endure, O God, when you allow all this scraping and tearing on us? You have allowed rivers of blood to flow, mountains of suffering to pile up, sobs to become humanity's song--all without lifting a finger that we could see. You have allowed bonds of love beyond number to be painfully snapped. If you have not abandoned us, explain yourself.
       We strain to hear. But instead of hearing an answer we catch sight of God himself scraped and torn. Through our tears we see the tears of God.” ~ Nicholas Wolterstorff, Lament for a Son

26 July 2012

The Need for Civility and Moderation

If you have glanced at this blog over the past two days you will know there have been a number of reactions to my post about banning assault weapons.
       In fact there have been many more readers of that one post than of most of my other posts, due in large part to a reader copying the link of my blog and putting it on a firearms forum website! Woohoo!
       Unfortunately some people have been much less than civil and moderate and I have been forced to delete the comments, report them as spam, and finally to moderate the comments put on the site.
       All of this reminded me of reading Os Guinness' book, The Case for Civility some years ago. His words are so appropriate in today's polarized climate:
"It is time for Americans to reforge a civil public square, to wrest back the culture wars from the domineering pundits and activists who have become the warlords of American public life — and then to debate such important issues as the uniqueness of humanity, the character of life and death, the importance of truth, the relationship between virtue and freedom, and what the historian Gertrude Himmelfarb described as "the collapse of ethical principles and habits, the loss of respect for authorities and institutions, the breakdown of the family, the decline of civility, the vulgarization of high culture and the degradation of popular culture." ~ Os Guinness, The Case for Civility

Timeout! Working Hard, Hardly Working

I usually work hard - a lot of hours over 6 days per week. More recently over the past year I have juggled multiple work-related contexts and I have put in even more hours.
       I learned something incredibly valuable in 1998 when I "hit a wall" because I worked too hard for too long. The lesson was that when I work I work hard and with great intensity. And periodically I need to STOP right in my tracks and NOT work for two or three weeks.
       Today begins that STOPPING for me. Susy and I head to Ireland for 5 days for a much-anticipated 25-year wedding celebration for our friends Marcus and Wendy. It will be several days of fun, relaxation, and laughter with a group of wonderfully life-giving friends.
       We come back to Denver on August 1st and then spend a few days camping with our kids on the Arkansas River about an hour south of Denver.
       And then Susy and I drive to the Los Angeles area (stopping along the way to see sites at the Colorado Monument and elsewhere) to have 10 days of R&R.
       For all of you in Europe, you will not think it too strange or odd that I am taking a three-week break. It's part of the European culture that we enjoyed and appreciated for many years there. For all of you Americans, you probably have raised eyebrows and perhaps  a questioning looking on your face as you read this. You may be wondering how we can "get away with" taking off for three whole weeks.
       I suppose it is one of the perks of: working for a ministry that accepts me taking the time off, running my own company, and working seasonally (umpiring baseball is now done). So, let the fun begin!

25 July 2012

Article by Robert Spitzer of SUNY Cortland

My Alma mater, SUNY Cortland, is not well know for very much, except that it is the site of the New York Jets football pre-season training camp which begins in two days.
       One of the professors at the university, Robert Spitzer, has become a bit more well known around the country in the gun advocacy/gun control debate. He wrote the following article for Salon magazine yesterday.

24 July 2012

Please Ban Assault Weapons

Dear President Obama and Honorable Members of Congress,
     Please ban all assault weapons for purchase, carrying, or use in this country by civilians (non-law enforcement or military personnel). Weapons such as this one:

     And to companies such as Bass Pro Shops, Gander Mountain, Dick's Sporting Goods, and other shops which sell such assault weapons:
     Please do not sell them anymore. Please remove them from your sales selves and return them to the manufacturer.
     Thank you.

23 July 2012

The Fall of a Giant

Penn State University removed a 900-pound statue of Joe Paterno from outside their stadium over the weekend. Oh how the mighty fall.
       Paterno's legacy as football coach of the Penn State Nitany Lions has been tarnished or possibly decimated due to the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse case.
       So how should we respond to this situation, to the unfolding consequences to a terrible tragedy in the lives of so many people?
       Let's first agree how not to respond:
* We must not have a posture of, "Paterno got what he deserved" with the removal of the statue or the sanctions against PSU. That reflects a level of vengeance that I fear causes decay in our own souls;
* We cannot justify Paterno's inaction or culpability;
* We must not lose our compassion toward victims, perpetrators, and bystanders of this tragedy.
       One of the redeeming things we can do is (re)learn crucial lessons about how we should live, how we should relate to collegiate athletics, how leaders should live their lives and carry out their work.
       Here are some lessons I take away and want to apply to my own world:
1. I am no better. I do not know what I would have done if I was in Joe Paterno's shoes. I say this because I believe as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, "The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man." Sorry folks, we are all very, very broken and sinful people.
2. With great power comes great responsibility. (to quote Peter Parker's uncle in Spiderman) Joe Pa had become larger than life in the Penn State world (and beyond). The 900-pound statue depicted that; it became an icon to Paterno's power and greatness. In my opinion, it is just wrong for a football coach (or other leader) to have such stature and power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely - and all the time.
3. The heart of leadership is influence - for good or bad. I am humbled, saddened, and scared by the Penn State situation. Paterno, Sandusky, the university president, the board chairman were leaders who exerted tremendous influence on many people's lives. The very fabric of leadership is influence - exercise it with great potential blessing to people or great potential damage to them. It is a sobering lesson for me.
4. I must choose for my heart to be transformed. Good leadership is impossible without a transformed heart. Transformation in my life has been a slow and arduous process. Perhaps it always will be. Jesus is the only one who can transform us into leaders who lead with integrity, and honor, and dependability, and grace. I look at the Penn State situation and I see people whose hearts were not transformed, and that ultimately leads to a huge fall.

20 July 2012


I feel like this tire today - deflated.
     I lost a team member this week (not "lost" as in the person died or anything like that!). We had recruited the person and she was a top-notch leadership in all sorts of ways.
     Well I got a call a couple of days ago that God was leading her to another organization and to another position.
     It's really tough to argue with the "God is leading me" phrase. In fact, I am now having a taste of my own medicine. Some years ago when I took an executive pastor position here in Denver I had to make that dreaded call to my long-time boss, colleague and friend, Linus, and tell him I was leaving the ministry. I remember saying to him, "God is moving me on."
     Hmmmm .... sometimes I wonder if we should put so much on God! I'm not trying to say God does not lead us. He does. But He does so through people, heart desires, circumstances, and a slew of other ways. It's just too easy to throw out the phrase, "God is leading me." It's a conversation stopper.
     Anyway, I'm having a bit of a "pity party" today, groveling and groaning over losing a team member I had just recruited. Grumble, grumble. I'll get through it. But for today I feel like a flat tire on the side of the road.

19 July 2012

Indifference is the Enemy of Courage

Many people died in Syria yesterday, including three of the most powerful men in the country (due to a suicide bomb attack in Damascus).
     I am deeply concerned that we in the West are largely "yawning" at the civil war in Syria. I am especially grieved that Christians seem to be indifferent.
     From 1980-1988 Iranians and Iraqis slaughtered each other by the thousands in the "Persian Gulf War." Western political powers were concerned about the war in so far as it affected the flow of oil to our countries from the Persian Gulf. The fact that tens of thousands of people lost their lives (some via chemical warfare) did not seem to penetrate our hearts all that much.
     I believe indifference is the enemy of courage, and our indifference or shrugging of our shoulders over Syria is another example.
     I have wondered (some time aloud, which can get me in trouble!) WHY many of us are indifferent about these conflicts. Here is three possible explanations:
1. These are Muslims killing Muslims (primarily Sunnis against Shi'ites). Non-Muslims have a difficult time grasping the tribal animosity between Muslim sects/factions. Our difference is birthed in our ignorance;
2. Some are anti-Muslim because we feel that Muslims are anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-West. So if they kill each other that's all the better for Christians, Jews, and the West. Sorry to be so blunt but I think there is some truth in this;
3. We are pro-Israel and generally speaking the nation of Israel is quite OK when Muslims slaughter other Muslims. So in our support of Israel we learn indifference to these other contexts.
     For those of us who are Christians we need to pray for the Syrian people - Shiites (Alowites), Sunnis, Christians. Men, women, and children. We need to pray that God (Yahweh that is) would intervene, would change the hearts of people (as he did with the Ninevites!). And may we not be like Jonah who resented God's mercy being poured out on a pagan people.
     May we have faith, and courage...which leaves no room for indifference.

17 July 2012

The Humbling of an Umpire

Increasingly this year I have umpired higher level games, i.e. 14-year-olds through high school and adult baseball as well. I like the higher levels.
     This week I am working a tournament which I worked last year. Last year's age brackets were 11-15 years old. I worked 12 and 13 year olds. I figured I would do the older kids again this year.
     So when I received my assignment and saw that I was working 10-year-olds my jaw dropped. When you are a 10 year old you have a tendency to do a few inappropriate things in the midst of a game. These things actually happened in the 2 games I worked today:
     - The second baseman had to go to the bathroom and was increasingly "holding himself" in his privates, until his coach got sick of seeing this and took him out of the game. Presumably the boy went to the bathroom;
     - Three hit batters, three boys writhing in pain and crying;
     - 10-year-olds don't tie their shoes much. I think mom does it for them, except during baseball games.
     - Some cry when they miss a ball on the field, although they fake that they are injured so they can cry without shame. "Look, I got hurt, I can have a good cry."