12 November 2012

Apartheid Can NEVER be the Answer

     The Israeli newspaper Haaertz recently published a poll of Israelis which found the following:
* 58% of Israelis believe "there is apartheid in Israel" in some ways or most ways;
* 74% support this separation, of which 24% believe separation "is good" and 50% believe "it is necessary."
     As a Jew, I cannot think of any circumstance anywhere in the world in which apartheid is called for and should be supported.
     Certainly the overall narrative of the Old Testament does not support a policy of apartheid. On the contrary, the Old Testament command is to welcome the foreigner, care for those who are otherwise outsiders, and reach out to those who are persecuted. If you believe that modern Israel is in the lineage of the Old Testament people of God, you cannot and must not support apartheid. In fact, you must speak against the opinion of the 74% of Israelis who support separation.

11 November 2012

The Private Lives of Public Figures

David Petraeus, a 4-star Army General and CIA Director, resigned his position this week due to an extra-marital affair he had. He called it tremendous bad judgement and now he must rebuild his life and marriage.
     This reminds me of President Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewisky. Members of the Democratic Party staunchly defended President Clinton then. Now they are eerily quiet toward General Petraeus. Senator Diane Feinstein did say she did not think Petraeus necessarily needed to resign.
     We are seriously self-deceived if we believe that a leader's private life has little impact on his or her public leadership. It most certainly does. While we all may have "skeletons in the closet" and character flaws, truly great leaders consistently address these character issues deep in their souls.
     I applaud General Petraeus for resigning this week. You have served your country with great dedication and courage. I hope you will also serve your wife and family as courageously as you seek healing in your most important relationships.

08 November 2012

Waiting for "Lincoln"

Steven Spielberg's film, "Lincoln" starring Daniel Day-Lewis opens in theaters tomorrow. I cannot wait to see the film. I have studied Lincoln for more than 20 years now and I am convinced he is one of the greatest leaders this country has ever had.
       What Lincoln possessed 150 years ago that most political leaders lack today was a sense of destiny, both for himself as a prophetic voice as well as for the country he led.
       This sense of destiny (focused ultimately on the abolition of slavery) caused him to be self-less in his leadership. He cared little about his reputation (outward appearance) and all about character (inward conviction).
       Many, many people in America yearn for this kind of leadership - a leadership which is unconcerned about the next election cycle, a leadership which is self-sacrificing rather than self-protecting, a leadership which rises to meet challenges rather than stooping to the pettiness of our current opinion.
       For me the film will be a welcome escape, an entrance into a fantasy land that I fear is now lost.

07 November 2012

Not so very good, not so very bad

Thankfully, the U.S. election is over. Surely elections matter, but I doubt that we should be so wildly exuberant nor horribly despairing. Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress should be tremendously humbled at the task of governing in the coming months and years.
       I was very disturbed (as were many people) at two escalating trends in this election:
       First, the sheer amount of dollars spent to get someone elected. It is heart-breaking to me that media outlets made so much money on a political process. We all know that these funds could have been used in wild and amazing ways to bless people, to improve the quality of living, to spur our economy;
       Second, political opponents were torn down and denigrated - over and over and over again. Why was it SUCH a breath of fresh air for Obama and Romney to speak generously toward each other last night? Because both of their campaigns and PACs have spent large amounts of time, energy, and money demonizing the other. So I ask: Has this strengthened our society and culture? Not one bit.
       Perhaps the day after Election Day in America should become a national holiday called, Repentance Day. I'll vote for that!

05 November 2012

Laughing at One's Own Culture

I love that Saturday Night Live spoofs New Yorkers. The spoofs are far closer to reality than most of us New Yorkers care to admit.
     For a bit of levity and laughter in the midst of a horrible (please say with strong new York accident) situation .... LIVE FROM NEW YORK IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT! Enjoy!

04 November 2012

Take a Breath, Long Island

I visited my parents for a few hours on Long Island over the weekend. It was a Sunday, almost a week after Hurricane Sandy.
     I read the New York newspapers.
     I listened to conversations on the streets of New York City and on the Long Island Railroad.
     I watched people's non-verbals.
     And I saw a bunch of very long lines of people and cars waiting for gasoline - an effort by Long Islanders to have some semblance of normalcy by running generators for electricity.
     My sense is that the entire island is dealing with some kind of acute traumatic stress. Whether it is a collective "dysorder" or not I'm not sure. But you could cut the tension with a knife in the train station waiting room in Babylon village, and in the bar where I got a drink.
     You could hear the hurt and sorrow in the guy's voice at the rehab center whose house on the water in Babylon village was wiped out. And he is suffering from kydney failure at the same time.
     I don't have any pithy statement or spiritual reflection or even words of encouragement. I feel really sad, I feel really tired (for a number of reasons). Bummer.

03 November 2012

Light in the Darkness

I flew into Newark Airport tonight in the dark of night. There were large patches of black where there is still no electricity. It was freaky.
     In other spots the electric restored. Cars driving, buses, shops open. Light in the darkness, life returning, restored.
     A stark reality that we live in darkness spiritually too. God is light, in Him there is no darkness. Jesus is the light of the world.

29 October 2012

Natural Disasters as "Acts of God"

I have been glued to the Weather Channel this evening watching the news of the monster storm named Sandy.
       It has been especially unnerving to me because my immediate family lives in New York City, on Long Island, and in Washington D.C. All locations have been in the bull's eye of this storm.
       As I was watching the Weather Channel one of the commentators said, "these acts of God are nothing less than spectacular."
       I have always felt a bit "miffed" by blaming God for natural disasters such as Hurricane Sandy. It really can mess with one's understanding of God as a loving and merciful God.
      But the more I consider it, the more I have to live with very very "good" as well as the very very "bad" with God. If God is God at all, only He can create something so powerful, awesome, and awful as a tornado or spectacular lightning. If God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, the "alpha and omega" it seems to me that I cannot pick and choose when and how He can be all-powerful.
       The words of God to Job are ringing in my ears from Job 38:

Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said:
“Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?
Dress for action like a man;
    I will question you, and you make it known to me.
“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
    Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
    Or who stretched the line upon it?
On what were its bases sunk,
    or who laid its cornerstone,
when the morning stars sang together
    and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
“Or who shut in the sea with doors
    when it burst out from the womb,
when I made clouds its garment
    and thick darkness its swaddling band,
10 and prescribed limits for it
    and set bars and doors,
11 and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther,
    and here shall your proud waves be stayed’?
12 “Have you commanded the morning since your days began,
    and caused the dawn to know its place,
13 that it might take hold of the skirts of the earth,
    and the wicked be shaken out of it?
14 It is changed like clay under the seal,
    and its features stand out like a garment.
15 From the wicked their light is withheld,
    and their uplifted arm is broken.
16 “Have you entered into the springs of the sea,
    or walked in the recesses of the deep?
17 Have the gates of death been revealed to you,
    or have you seen the gates of deep darkness?
18 Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth?
    Declare, if you know all this.

26 October 2012

Don't Worry, I'm Still Jewish

I have attended a course at Fuller Seminary this week on "The Arab-Israeli Conflict and a Theology of Reconciliation," taught by Salim Munayer. I am going to write multiple blog posts on this, in large part because it is just too much to digest otherwise.
       First, I want to calm fears that I might renounce being Jewish or something, after spending a week in a course with a Palestinian Arab. More specifically, some people may be concerned that I have abandoned a "strong" view of Israel as the people of God and their claim on the land.
       My questions about Israel's role in God's redemptive plan started long before this class. To be blunt, I have deep concerns about national/political Israel of today being the successor to the Israel of the Bible.
       Let me quickly say that the people of God, Israel, has not been written off by God and I find "replacement theology" thoroughly wanting. And, I believe that the Christian Zionist movement is equally inadequate.
       Salim's challenge to me around Palestine and Israel is not really about who is right and who is wrong, but rather how genuine followers of Jesus can own and acknowledge their historical narrative AND learn to appreciate the others' historical narrative.
       Here is what I mean: Jewish people have a narrative of the holy land that says this: "Before the nation of Israel was birthed there was relatively few people living in Palestine and the Jews claim and caused the desert to bloom."
       The Palestinian narrative says something like this: "We were fruitful and lived in the land for centuries before 1948 and we were hospitable toward the Jews and welcomed them into the land as a religious people."
       If you are reading this and thinking to yourself that one of these people are wrong and one is right then you have just illustrated Salim's point. Until all sides in the conflict see that our own narrative is incomplete and even inaccurate at points we cannot begin to relate to one another.
       Until all sides also seek to understand and even sympathize with the others' narrative there can be no conversation or beginnings of reconciliation. This is a HUGE challenge.
       What is fascinating is that the more I seek to understand the Palestinian narrative of the Holy Land the more my identity as a Jew is "safe." My fear in entering into my "enemy's" narrative is that I will lose my own identity. The very opposite happens.

20 October 2012

Multicultural Homogeneity

My friend Judy made a comment to me during a board meeting today of the Alumni Association of Cortland State (my alma mater). The board was discussing creating a a culture of diversity. Quite the spirited conversation.
       Judy then wrote a note to me which said, "multicultural homogeneity." That's EXACTLY what we were talking about. The conversation was "safe" and "limited." It was a discussion about cultural and some ethnic diversity.
       Basically the conversation went something like this: "What is the ethnic demographic of the current student body and how can that be reflected on the alumni board?" 
       Now that is totally legitimate. A noble goal. But it IS multicultural homogeneity. It is  not a broader, fuller sense of diversity. No religious diversity. No political diversity. No sexual diversity.
       I prefer to use the term "limited diversity" on the board, because there are boundaries to the diversity being considered. Let's call it what it is.

19 October 2012

Nomadic: Traveling Through America

I have some "nomadic" tendencies. Place me somewhere to live and after about 5 years I get antsy to be moving. The sheer size of America has afforded me the opportunity to travel, to wander, to explore.
       Earlier this week I was in Indianapolis for a few days (Susy went with me), I then flew to Las Vegas to buy a vehicle from a friend, and the next day I drove 700 miles back to Denver. Today I take off for two days in New York and then join Susy in Los Angeles for a week.
       As I drove east on Interstate 70 in Utah the other day I took out my iphone and shot a couple of photos of the spectacular scenery. Brilliant blue skies, leaves on the trees turning color, bright sunshine.

18 October 2012

"Vote Biblical Principles"

It is SO politically incorrect to critique Billy Graham, of all people! But I don't know about Rev. Graham's statement on his website this week urging people to vote for candidates who base their decisions on certain biblical principles.
       This is Rev. Graham's statement:
"The legacy we leave behind for our children, grandchildren and this great nation is crucial. As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this election could be my last. I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God."
       What I hear Rev. Graham saying is that we should support candidates who support these specific positions, presumably in this priority order also:
1. Support the nation of Israel;
2. Protect the sanctity of life;
3. Support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman
OK, I can (more or less) agree with these three things (as long as Israel is seen as a sovereign, modern nation-state and not as a fulfillment of biblical Israel).
       However, Rev. Graham made a decision to make a public statement urging people to vote for candidates who support "biblical principles." Well if you do that I think people should be challenged to support candidates who support all biblical principles that relate to public service. I can think of three others:
1. Caring for the "foreigner" in our midst;
2. Providing for the welfare of widows;
3. Caring for the poor and needy in society;
4. Support for all sovereign nations and support for all peoples rightfully seeking freedom (Western Sahara, Palestinian land, etc.)
       What probably would have been better is if Rev. Graham took a step back and did not enter the political fray. You are finishing well, Rev. Graham. Please continue to do so!

13 October 2012

STOP! Don't Give that Political Contribution!

Estimates are that more than $1.2 billion will be given to political parties and Political Action Committees to election the next President of the United States. More than $900 million has already been given.
       I'm very concerned about this next $300 million. If you are someone who is inclined to give a contribution to a political cause in the next 3 weeks, DON'T DO IT! Please!
       Instead give that money to a non-profit taht is impacting people's lives for the good. There are many of them. I will list just one here.
       I know that politics is important, and that the upcoming election is meaningful in ways. However, it is not so meaningful to merit $1.2 billion mostly in advertising! Re-direct your investing! Here's one idea:
Hands of the Carpenter: A faith-based nonprofit community in Denver that uniquely serves single mothers and widows in need by addressing the often overlooked issue of transportation.
       Hands is a tremendous ministry serving single moms in very practical and helpful ways - keeping their cars running well so they can raise their families and get to their job.
       Right about now Hands needs an infusion of donations to keep up with the demands on the ministry. Please give now by clicking HERE.

11 October 2012

A 14-Year-Old Fights for Her Life

Malala Yousafzai, the 14-year-old Pakistani who has advocated for educating girls in her country, was shot for her "radical" views. The Taliban has taken responsibility and has said that if she recovers from her wounds they will try to kill her again.
       For those of us who attempt to build bridges between Christians, Jews, and Muslims for the sake of sharing the gospel, we must not be silent on this issue.
       While there are a few Muslim leaders who are speaking out against the Taliban, there are far too few of them. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood has not condemned the attack.
       When the leaders of Westboro Baptist Church call for violence against homosexuals we who are Christians must speak out against such hatred and bigotry. If Muslim leaders want to be people of peace they must roundly condemn the Taliban and do everything in their power to do away with this radicalized movement.
       Tens of thousands of Muslims in more than 20 countries recently protested when a B film ridiculed Mohammed. The news of the film spread like wild fire as governments and political parties in Islamic countries disseminated clips from the movie. Why is there not equally vocal protests in Muslim countries when the Taliban perpetrate such horror?
       Those of us who "seek the peace of Jerusalem" and tell about the Messiah who is the "prince of peace" we must call Christians, Jews, and Muslims to seek true peace. We must also condemn movements such as the Taliban who seek to destroy peace through terror.

10 October 2012

"He who saves a life saves the world entire."

The Talmud states, "Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5; Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 37a

       The latter part of the passage was the inscription on the ring given to Oskar Schindler by the 1,100 Jewish workers in his factory, those who were fortunate enough to survive the Nazi genocide (see video clip below).
       Last night we sat around the fire pit and quoted this verse as four of us considered how one person's life trajectory could be changed by our actions. I was staggered by the influence God has given human beings, how much incredible good (and bad) we actually can do.
       Of course it is never enough. Schindler saved 1,100 people, but he regretted that he did not save more. And therein lies the tension - we might do something heroic, self-sacrificial which may help someone dramatically. It might even save a life. And yet there is always another orphan, another homeless person, another wayward soul who is desperate for help.
       Perhaps this is the precise place of the People of God - the Israel of God. Ultimately only God saves, but He uses a body of His followers who are His instruments of that saving power. In this sense the Talmud is correct, with a twist: He who God uses to save a life God uses to save the world entire - which is His good plan in the end.