1. generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness;
2. high-minded; noble;
3. revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character.
Magnanimous people are life-giving people (rather than life-sucking people). I have known some of these life-giving folks along the way. They make the journey worth continuing.
* There is Karl, who was a pretty big-name speaker on the Christian circuit, became a teaching pastor at a mega-church, then left that and started a small community for mis-fits and marginal people. And pours his heart into people;
* There is Johan, who has served and served and served in quiet and behind-the-scenese ways for years. He's gotten run over by church politics along the way but he keeps on serving;
* There is Gretchen, who gave herself to people for 25 years in a local church. Rolled out the red carpet for community on Wednesday evening dinners which she whipped up every week. No fanfare here, just heard work and loving people;
The magnanimous types don't self-protect. They dive head first into the mess of people's lives and their very presence brings hope. They suffer because of their attitude. They get hurt, stumble around, and keep moving somehow. Must be the power of God in their lives.
To you magnanimous folks in this broken and crooked world, press on in your life-giving, quiet ways. Somehow I think you reflect Jesus a whole lot more than the leaders and preachers who stand proudly in the spotlight.