20 July 2011

Dear Democrats and Republicans - do NOT be Idiotic!

On August 2nd the United States of America will default on trillions of dollars of loans unless the debt ceiling is raised. You might think that this reality would cause Democrats and Republicans alike in the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House to NOT be idiotic! That they might all give a bit for the good of the country. And if you thought this you would be WRONG!
       I support the Gang of Six senators (3 Democrats and 3 Republicans) who seem to have the only voices of sanity in Washington. Basically they seem to be the only grown-ups in the conversation. The other 529 Senators and Representatives would do well to heed the advice of the adults.
       So, my dear Democrat friends, you MUST cut entitlements and overall government spending. We do NOT have the money to spend! So suck it up and tell your constituents that the government is broke and we simply cannot afford many of the programs we have enjoyed in the past.
       And so, my dear Republican friends, you MUST raise taxes to increase revenue because the country is BROKE and needs wealthier to pay more to dig us out of this mess. So suck it up and do not bow to the Tea Party or other Conservatives who say we can grow our way out of this debt.
       The math is complicated in one sense and painfully simple in another. If we stop spending on many things and increase revenue through more taxes we can cut $4 trillion of our debt in the next 10 years. Republicans and Democrats need to get off their ideological horses and humble themselves to the economic realities.

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