27 November 2012

"I want to be like him (or her)

Someone asked me recently which leaders I wish I could be like. It was a broad question, and I was not exactly sure what the person meant by the question.
Nonetheless, some people came to mind:

Darwin Smith, former CEO of Kimberly-Clark Corp. 

John Wooden, former UCLA basketball coach.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords

Henri Nouwen


  1. Personally, I would never want to be like the CEO of a company that -given, besides funding research into alternatives- conducts animal testing. I am aware animal testing permeates almost every aspect of our daily lives, but as a believer I try to steer clear as much as possible of any product or company that involves animal testing.

  2. Thanks for this Brian, it gave me food for thought.

    Can you believe, Xander turned 10 this year. I've been thinking about creating a rite of passage for him in the next few years, what can I give me to help him steer right through adolescence and into adulthood. I did not know of Wooden, but some of his ideas & methods may be just the thing.
