23 August 2010

A Sad and Hopeful Day

Today is both an incredibly sad and hopeful day for me. In the wee hours of the morning Susy and Carly pulled out of the driveway in our van to head west to California. Carly starts at Westmont College this week. I am stunned by the range of emotions I feel - from sheer joy to grief, from sadness over the loss I feel to the hope I feel for Carly's bright future.
Age 19 (Germany, August 2010)
       I'm sure it has much to do with the dad-daughter relationship and the fact that Carly is my first born. I never thought I would feel like the dad in the film Father of the Bride but I do. And she is not even getting married! How will I be when that happens? Maybe this is the warm-up.
       This move to Westmont is great for Carly, and I am so proud of her. She is the traveler in our family - born in Pasadena (California), ages 1 through 4 in Budapest, then 10 years in Holland, 5 years in Colorado, and now moving onto new adventures.
       One of my favorite photos of Carly is from our time living in Holland. She is standing on our bike shed "in victory" in the middle of the winter, ready to dive into her world!
Age 12 (Holland)

      Well, Car, this is your time girl! Give yourself to this world, bless people, shine grace as you have in this home!
I Love You - Car Car,
~ your sad and hopeful Dad ~


  1. Reading this with tears in my eyes. What a beautiful way of blessing (and releasing) your daughter, Brian! Indeed, this is her time, and I'm sure she can and will do all that you hope for her, because she knows you are always there for her, cheering her on and ready to catch her and give her an enormous hug whenever she needs it. Blessings and love to you all. Joke

  2. Our job as parents is to prepare our children to leave the nest; with confidence in their ability to do so. It sounds as if you and your wife have done it right in the parenting department! Good luck to your California girl. Susan

  3. And here at the California end, I'm awaiting their arrival. So there's always someone on the other end with open arms and a loving hug. Isn't that good to know, Dad?

  4. Before this year I could never imagine the intensity of being a parent, you word it very well Brian. Although Thobin is only 7 months, the idea of him ever leaving the house makes me cry. Good luck with this new bitter sweet phase!
    Groetjes Floor
