16 August 2010

Stewardship and 100 Who Believe

Some time ago we launched a campaign - hopefully a movement - we call 100 Who Believe. It's not that wildly original, but we hope it will propel Christian Associates into the future work God has for us.
We are asking people to make an investment of $50 or $100 per month. We are looking for 100 people -
* who believe ... that we are on the verge of something explosive in God's economy;
* who believe ... the Church should be different and can be a sent people;
* who believe ... an investment like this is ultimately a spiritual exercise more than a financial one.
Now I mention the 100 Who Believe because we in Christian Associates did something last week at our conference which you don't see in most other Christian agencies.
We asked our leaders and then the rest of our staff to consider being part of the 100 Who Believe. Yes, we asked missionaries who are not exactly rolling in money to contribute, to sacrifice, to be sort of counter-culture for the missionary culture. After all, missionaries receive money; they don't give money! Right? ...
Our Europe Advancement Team leader took the lead in this, sharing that he and his family were stepping up to give. Other staff have done so also.
This is a very big deal. A year ago when we launched this effort I asked the founder of CA, the new President, and the Operations Team Leader if they and their families would give to the 100 Who Believe as a kind of "statement of faith." All of them began to give, as did my family.
Let's face it - $50 is not a lot of money. Only a little more than a mustard seed. But you know what Jesus said about mustard seeds?

So I am asking everyone and anyone who has a heart for something explosive to happen for the Kingdom to give to the 100 Who Believe. If you are interested go to: www.christianassociates.org/Table/Campaigns and click on the "Give Now" button in the bottom right of the page.

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